Pasta with vegetables .MyaMYamm !!!

One of the advantages of pasta is that it is prepared with several flavors and shapes. For those who like to have vegetables with their dishes, we have come to you from a kitchen

- Macaroni: Recharge (type préféré)
- Aubergine: 1 grain (taille moyenne / morceaux de cube)
- Oignon: 1 tasse (émincé)
- Ail: Vans (hachées finement)
- Sauce pour pâtes préparée: 2 tasses
- Champignon: Coupe (tranches fraîches / émincées)
- tomates: 1 grain (cubes pelés et hachés)
- Poivron vert: 1 tasse (petits cubes émincés)
- huile d'olive: 2 cuillères à soupe
- Persil: grande cuillère (émincée / pour la décoration)

How to prepare
1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging and wash it with cold water and descriptive and leave it aside.

2. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.

3. Add the onion and my heart for 3 minutes until it is softened.

4. Add the garlic and my heart for 2 minutes.

5. Add the eggplant, green pepper, mushrooms and my heart carefully for 7 minutes until the vegetables are softened.

6. Add the chopped tomatoes and pasta sauce, cover the pot and leave for 10 minutes until the sauce is soft.

7. Add the boiled pasta and stir until mixed with the mixture and leave on fire for 5 minutes.

8. Serve hot with minced parsley, meat or chicken, or salad as desired.

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